March 27, 2019 | Cosmetic Dentistry,

Brunette man wearing a plaid shirt smiles against a gray wall after working hard to reverse his gum disease
Between 2015 and 2017, the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry reported a 40% decrease in the number of in-office professional teeth whitening procedures; they speculated that this change might be indicative of the increasing popularity of at-home do-it-yourself and over-the-counter products. DIY methods can often lead to enamel damage, while store-bought options just can’t deliver the dramatic results your smile deserves. Read on to learn about the superior benefits of professional teeth whitening here at Dublin Corners Dental!

  1. Reliable Results Delivered Quickly
  2. While over-the-counter treatments are convenient, their results are predictably lackluster. Many products have a reputation for not whitening teeth as much as patients hope, even when they are used repeatedly. And repeated attempts can leave your teeth feeling sensitive and painful. In contrast, when you have your teeth whitened professionally with Dublin Corners Dental, you will see dazzling results in as little as one hour.

  3. Safe Treatment Administered with Care
  4. Our team at Dublin Corners Dental is expertly trained in our professional teeth whitening procedures and we’ll be there every step of the way to ensure your comfort. During treatment, your gums and the rest of your mouth will be covered for protection so you will experience little to no discomfort and sensitivity.

  5. Customized & Effective Results
  6. Over-the-counter whitening strips are supposedly one-size-fits-all. However, each patient’s mouth and dental needs are unique! Professional teeth whitening allows us to tailor-make your treatment so that you get exactly the degree of whitening you’re looking for, in the precise areas that you need it.

Contact Us for a Whiter & Brighter Smile!

Do you feel confident flashing your smile in social situations, or are you self-conscious about your teeth because your teeth aren’t as white as you’d like? Why waste time and money on products that won’t give you the desired results? Our professional teeth whitening services are safe and effective. Contact our office today to schedule your cosmetic appointment.

