March 22, 2018 | Dental Health,Dental Tips,
We all have our favorite foods that we crave. However, sometimes those delicious bites could be causing more harm to our dental health than we realize. Just like we watch out for what foods are bad for our total body wellness, we should keep an eye on foods that commonly cause plaque buildup and can end up breaking down enamel and irritating our gums.
Here are the types of foods we recommend eating in moderation to prevent possible cavities, tooth decay, and gum irritation:
Sticky Candy
Candies like caramels and gummy bears can easily get stuck in between your teeth for extended periods of time, increasing the chance of bad bacteria developing.
Soda, Alcohol & Coffee
Soda and most alcohol contain sugar while coffee is a popular vehicle for sugar—and by now we’ve all heard how bad sugar can be for teeth. Alcohol and coffee can also cause dryness in your mouth, which is important to note because healthy saliva flow helps protect teeth from decay.
Acidic Foods
Lemons, pickles, and tomatoes are all highly acidic. The acid in these foods can wear away at enamel, leaving your teeth at a higher risk of sensitivity and decay.
Starchy Foods
Many people don’t realize that starchy foods like white bread, potato chips, and pasta convert to sugar when reacting with saliva. Not to mention they can get easily trapped in between teeth, all of which makes them a a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.
You don’t have to feel the need to cut these foods out of your life for good, but enjoying them in moderation is a smart and healthy way to reduce your risk of harmful dental conditions. It’s best to brush your teeth 30 minutes after you’ve eaten these, floss, and rinse your mouth with water to prevent leftover food debris from settling and causing damage. Contact our friendly dental team if you’d like more nutritional guidance or if you want to book your professional dental cleaning!