What is Tissue Grafting?

Tissue grafting, also known as gum grafting or periodontal plastic surgery, is a dental procedure designed to augment or restore the gum tissue in areas where it has receded or been lost. The grafting process involves taking a small piece of tissue from another area of your mouth, a donor source, or using a synthetic material, and carefully placing it over the affected area to promote new tissue growth.

At Dublin Corners Dental, we recognize the essential role that healthy gums play in achieving optimal oral health and a beautiful smile. If you suffer from receding gums or have lost gum tissue due to gum disease or trauma, our tissue grafting procedure offers a highly effective solution to restore your gum health and rejuvenate your smile.

When is Tissue Grafting Needed?

Tissue grafting is recommended in the following situations:

  1. Gum Recession: Receding gums can expose the tooth roots, leading to sensitivity, aesthetic concerns, and an increased risk of dental issues.
  2. Gum Disease: Periodontal disease can cause gum tissue to recede and create pockets around the teeth, which may require grafting to restore gum health.
  3. Cosmetic Enhancement: For individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their smiles, tissue grafting can enhance the symmetry and balance of the gumline.

The Tissue Grafting Procedure:

Our skilled dental team ensures a comfortable and successful tissue grafting experience:

  1. Initial Consultation: During your first visit, we assess your oral health and discuss your specific concerns and goals to determine if tissue grafting is the right option for you.
  2. Graft Selection: Based on your individual needs, we will select the most appropriate grafting material, such as connective tissue grafts, free gingival grafts, or tissue-stimulating proteins.
  3. Graft Placement: Using advanced techniques, we carefully place the graft over the targeted area and secure it in place to promote proper healing and integration.
  4. Healing Period: Over time, the graft will naturally fuse with your existing gum tissue, promoting new tissue growth and restoring the health and appearance of your gums.

Benefits of Tissue Grafting:

  • Improved Gum Health: Tissue grafting can halt gum recession and prevent further damage caused by gum disease.
  • Reduced Sensitivity: Restoring receding gums can alleviate tooth sensitivity, making eating and drinking more comfortable.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Tissue grafting can create a balanced and symmetrical gumline, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your smile.
  • Preserved Tooth Structure: By addressing gum recession promptly, tissue grafting helps protect the underlying tooth roots and prevents potential tooth loss.

Restore Your Gum Health Today:

At Dublin Corners Dental, we take pride in delivering exceptional tissue grafting procedures to our patients. With our focus on precision and patient comfort, we strive to exceed your expectations and provide you with a healthy, beautiful smile.

If you have receding gums, gum disease, or cosmetic concerns related to your gumline, contact us today to schedule a consultation. Discover how tissue grafting can restore your gum health and transform your smile. Let us be your trusted partner in achieving optimal oral health and a smile that radiates confidence and beauty with our exceptional tissue grafting services.


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